Electrical Resistivity - Tomography Studies In Determining Shallow Aquifer Potential Zones a Case Study in Different Terrains
Sivakumar. A, Mohamed Abdul Kadar Prabhu H and Gowtham B.
Department of Geology, Presidency College (Autonomous), Chennai.
Corresponding Author:
Sivakumar. A, Department of Geology, Presidency College (Autonomous),
Submitted: 2023, Oct 10; Accepted: 2023, Nov 08; Published: 2023, Dec 15.
Sivakumar, A., Mohamed Abdul Kadar Prabhu, H., Gowtham, B. (2023). Electrical Resistivity - Tomography Studies In
Determining Shallow Aquifer Potential Zones a Case Study in Different Terrains. J Electrical Electron Eng, 2(4), 548-556.
The study documents the effectiveness of 2 D (Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Survey (Tomography) to map shallow
subsurface geological formations namely recent Alluvium, Gondwana deposits and hard rock deposits. 2 dimensional
Electrical Resistivity Survey (or tomography) was conducted at 2 locations at Valarpuram and one location Madurantakam
areas. Gondwana deposits mask Valarpuram Thandalam, villages (at Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu). To the east of
Valarpuram alluvium thickness increases at shallow depths. Weathered and hard granitic gneiss and hard charnockite rocks
overlie topsoil in Madurantakam areas (Chengalpettu District, Tamilandu). The survey was conducted to 12 m depth to
decipher shallow permeable zones. Gondwana formations consisting of clays, siltstones are predominant in Valarpuram
Thandalam and surrounding areas. Hard rock formations are found in Madurantakam areas. 2 Dimensional Resistivity
Survey results indicate 2-D sections with very low resistivity values in the range of 2 to 4 ohm-m in Valarpuram Thandalam
areas indicating predominant clay deposits with poor ground water potential. To the east of Valarpuram Thandalam resistivity
data is of moderately higher value indicating sand deposits at shallow depths. These are ideal locations for dug wells. Low to
moderate values at shallow depths indicating weathered thickness up to 12 m are observed at Madurantakam location. From
12m depth steep rise in resistivity values are observed in hard indicating presence of massive rock from 12m depth and below
areas. Thus, 2 D Resistivity Imaging Technique are helpful in delineating shallow aquifer potential and this in turn helps in
deciding the depth of open wells with high precision.
I. Introduction
2D Resistivity Imaging Survey or Tomography was conducted at
two locations in Valarpuram Thandalam area and at one location
in Madurantakam area.
The study area falls under the Valarpuram Thandalam
Villages in Sriperambudhur Taluk of Kancheepuram District
and Puliyarankottai Village in Madurantakam Taluk of
Kancheepuram District. The study area at Valarpuram
Thandalam is masked sedimentary formations belonging to
recent alluvium, and Gondwana formations. The location map
of two sites in Valarpuram Thandalam and east of Valarpuram
Thandalam area is shown in Figure 1 and the location map of site
in Madurantakam is shown in Figure 2.

1.1 Objectives
The objective is to map and understand the resistivity of
formations at shallow depths belonging to Gondwana, Alluvium
and Hard rock formations and interpret presence of shallow
aquifer for locating dugwell [1]. Two locations were selected
near Valarpuram-Thandalam areas of Kancheepuram District
and one location near Madurantakam in Kancheepuram District
2. Geology of Kancheepuram District
The Kancheepuram district is principally made up of hard rocks
and sedimentary formations. These are overlained by laterites
and alluvium. The study area is underlain by formations of
Quarternary, Tertiary and Mesozoic ages followed by the
basement complex of crystalline rocks of Archaean age. The
literature has been sourced from Central Ground Water Board
(CGWB) manual Kancheepuram. The stratigraphical succession
is shown in Table 1.
Age | Formation | Lithography |
Recent | Alluvium and beach sands | Sand, gravel, silt and clay |
Pleistocene | Laterite, soils, talus | Laterites, sandy clay, silt |
Pleistocene to upper Miocene | Conjeevaram gravels | Boulders, cobbles pebbles and gravels chiefly of quartzites |
Unconformity | ||
Lower Cretaceous to Jurassic | Sandstones & Shales | Fine to medium grained sand stone with clay intercalations of greenish soft shale |
Boulder bed | Big boulders of granite gneiss with or without Matrix of clay and the sand | |
Unconformity | ||
Archaean | Crystalline formations | Mixed gneisses, charnockites, granites and associated basic and ultra basic intrusives |
(Source – District Ground Water Brochure, Kancheepuram, CGWB, 2007)
Archaean: Hard Rocks
An Archaen formation is spread over about 60% of this district.
These rocks are Granitic gneisses, Ultra basic mphiboli of
Archaean age and Charnockites. They mainly comprise of
biotite and hornblende and are intrude by mphibolites, dykes of
dolorite and occasionally by veins of quartz and pegmites.
Charnockite rock is more prominent in Tambaram,
Sriperumbudur and Madurantakam Taluks. Gneissic rocks occur
mainly in Thirukkazhukundram and in parts of Kancheepuram
Taluks [2,3]. The dolerites, as dykes are observed both in
gneisses and in charnockites. The width ranges from 20m to
40m in the strike direction NE-SW. The dykes are predominanty
observed in Thiruporur and East of Chengalpattu..
This formation comprises of clays, shales, sandstones and
conglomerates. The shale and clay of gondowana age occur on
the bank of Palar river and Sriperumbudur Taluk in irregular
shape. Oldest of these formations are exposed in parts of
Sriperumbudur and Kancheepuram Taluks as clay and shale beds,
are of upper Gondwana age. The fine grained sand is observed at
Kancheepuram and Uthiramerur Taluks. Gravel bed of 2 to 4m
thickness is observed in Abdullapuram Manapakkam Road, and
the gravel thickness is ranging from 1.5 cm to 5cm in diameter
and the same is over lined by sandstone is called conjeevaram
gravels which is equivalent to cuddalore and Rajmundry sand
stone of Teritiary age [4,5].
Conglomerates and Laterite
Conglomerates are composed of boulders, Pebbles and mostly
of quarzites are observed in uplands of Sriperumbadur Taluk.
The maximum sizes of these boulders are found as capping
over the upper Gondwanas. The laterites are well developed
around Chemberambakkam village. These laterites are porous
vermicular, clay like rocks of red, yellow, brown, grey and in
mottled colours.
Alluvial deposits are the youngest formation, consisting of sands
and clays and are deposited by the cheyyar, Coovam and Palar
rivers [6]. The Adayar alluvium consists of silt, fine and coarse
grained sands, gravel and pebbles. The Palar alluvium comprises
of coarse sands and gravels. The average thickness of alluvium
is about 10 to 30m.
Geological Structure
The general trend of the gneiss is NE-SW direction and the
regional trend observed is NNE-SSW to NW-SE direction.
The deposition of Gondwana rocks, the sedimentary rocks, in
faulted troughs and in the rugged topography of crystalline rocks
took place during Jurassic period. The insitu soils laterites and
alluvial deposits were deposited along the Palar and Cheyyar
rivers during the quaternary period.
2.1 Geology of Valarpuram –Thandalam Area
Gondwana deposits are observed in Valarpuram-Thandalam
This formation comprises of clays, shales intercalated with
minor sandstones. The deposits extend to 200m depth at certain
pockets in Sriperumbudur, Chembarambakkam area. The shale
and clay of gondwana age also occur on the bank of Palar River
and Sriperumbudur Taluk in irregular shape.
To the east of Valarpuram Thandalam alluvium formations
are observed at shallow depths and the thickness appreciably
increases eastwards towards Kuthambakkam.
2.2 Geology of Madurantakam Area
An Archaen formation is spread over about 90% of Madurantakam.
These rocks are Granitic gneisses, Ultra basic mphiboli of
Archaean age and Charnockites. They mainly comprise of
biotite and hornblende and are intrude by mphibolites, dykes
of dolerite and occasionally by veins of quartz and pegmatites.
The sites of Valarpuram, Thandalam and Puliyarankottai sites
superimposed on Geology Map is shown below in Figure 3

3. Study Methodology
2-D Resistivity Tomography was conducted at 2 locations in
Valarpuram Thandalam where sedimentary deposits exist and
Puliyarankottai village at Madurantakam where Hard rock
formations exist. 1 D resistivity survey was conducted for
correlation purpose.
Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) is a geophysical technique
for imaging sub-surfaces structures from electrical measurements
made at the surface with multi-electrode system.
2-D Resistivity imaging technique is the latest State-of-theart
available to map the complex geological features. The
greatest limitation of 1D resistivity sounding method is that it
does not take into account horizontal changes in the subsurface
resistivity [7,8]. A more accurate model of the subsurface is a
two-dimensional (2-D) model where the resistivity changes in the vertical direction, as well as in the horizontal direction along
the survey line. In this case, it is assumed that resistivity does
not change in the direction that is perpendicular to the survey
line. In many situations, particularly for surveys over elongated
geological bodies, this is a reasonable assumption. In theory, a
3-D resistivity survey and interpretation model should be even
more accurate. However, 2-D Resistivity survey is one of the
most practical and economic compromise between obtaining
very accurate results and keeping the survey costs down. Typical
1-D resistivity sounding usually involve about 10 to 50 readings,
while 2-D imaging surveys involve about few 100 to 1000
measurements. In many geological situations, 2-D electrical
imaging surveys give useful results that are complementary to
the information obtained by other geophysical method [9-13].
The Tomography field measurement procedure is shown below Figure 3.

4. Instrumentation and Measurement Procedure
For carrying out 2-D/3-D electrical imaging/tomography surveys
large number of electrodes, connected to a multi-core cable.
A microcomputer together with an electronic switching unit
is used to automatically select the relevant four electrodes for
each measurement. WERI Series, Multi-Electrode Resistivity
Imaging System is used for automatic data collection with 60
electrodes spaced at 1m intervals. Schlumberger array is used
for data acquisition for this project.
This equipment is capable of running self-checks for
connectivity of electrodes and generates warnings on bad
contacts. Bad contacts were resolved by pouring water on the
ground and then electrode where driven subsequently to reduce
grounding resistance. Normally a constant spacing between
adjacent electrodes is used. The multi-core cable is attached to
an electronic switching unit, which is connected to the resistivity
imaging system. The sequence of measurements to take, the type
of array to use and other survey parameters (choose the voltage
for output from D.C Power Source within a range of 9-v to 180v
with 2 AH) is normally entered into a text file which can be
read and fix in the instrument. After reading the control file, the
instrument program then automatically selects the appropriate
electrodes for each measurement as per pre-assigned electrode
configuration. In a typical survey, most of the time consuming
process in the data acquisition is the laying of the multi core
imaging cables and electrodes. After that, the entire profile
line connection is checked automatically by the instrument for
noise and bad connection. Once all the electrode connection is
proper, then the equipment is ready to take measurements. Data
acquisition for each set of measurement is made automatically
with constant current supply and stored in the system. The
acquired field data is then down loaded to the computer and then processed by using RES2DINV software with all elevation and
terrain correction.
5. Results and Discussions
The subsection provides details of the interpretation of data
collated in field
2 D Survey Results at Gondwana Terrain
Location 1 389945 E, 1438520 N
Survey Date: April 5th 2023
The depth of investigation was 12 metres to identify shallow
aquifer and to infer the feasibility of dugwell.
2 Imaging outputs conducted on Gondwana terrain revealed low
resistivity values in the range of 0.1 to 5 ohms. High resistivity
of 30 ohm metres was observed at surface 0m to 4m indicating
dry gravelly lateritic deposits. Below 5m depth the resistivity
values were low in the range of 0.1 ohm metres to 3 ohm metres
indicating plastic clay deposits. Gondwana deposits typically
contain clay deposits and extend to 100 metres below ground.
The entire section beyond 4m depth exhibited low resistivity
values in the range of 0.1 to 3 ohm-m indicative of fine grained
clay deposits and it is inferred that dugwells constructed at this
area will have poor yield and hence feasibility of dugwell in the
surveyed area is not possible.
1D resistivity survey conducted at the locations exhibited similar
resistivity values.
The 2D output of the survey conducted at this location is shown
in Figure 4 below

5.2 Results at Alluvium Terrain
Location 2 Alluvium Terrain
Coordinates: UTM ZONE 44 390371 E 1438511 N
Survey Date: April 15th 2023
Similar investigation was conducted east of Valarpuram
and Valarpuram Thandalam where alluvium thickness was
comparatively high as heard from local people. The depth of
investigation was 12 metres to identify shallow aquifer and to
infer the feasibility of dug well.
The surface layer with a thickness of 0.5 To 1.5 m exhibits a very
high resistivity of 100 to 200 ohm-m indicating dry loam or dry
sandy soil.
The location exhibits moderate resistivity values of 7 to 30
ohm-m between 4 to 10m depths from surface to depth of 10m indicating presence of permeable sand. The permeability
of sand is better than the permeability of clay and the yield
of dug wells is likely to yield very well to meet the domestic
requirements of houses and manufacturing industries located
in the area. Inventory of few dug wells revealed good quality
and good yield from the dug wells. The water level in the dug
well close to the survey location was 4 metres below ground.
The topsoil exhibits higher resistivity in the range of 100 to 200
ohm-m and at depths of 4 to 10m exhibits a resistivity range of
6 to 35 ohm-m indicating permeable sand and clayey sand. 1D
resistivity survey conducted at the locations exhibited similar
resistivity values.
The 2 D image of the survey conducted at this location is shown
in Figure 6 below

5.3 Location 3 Hard Rock Terrain
Date of Survey: 6th April 2023
Location 3 – 383335 E, 1379282 N
2D survey conducted at Puliyarankottai Village hard terrain
exhibited a contrasting resistivity compared to alluvium and
Gondwana terrain. Overall the resistivity values ranged between
30 to 100 ohm-m to about 100m depth. Beyond 10m depth the
resistivity values showed a steep increase in the range of 100 to
400ohm-m indicating dense rock. The top soil with a thickness of
about 2 metres exhibited very low resistivity in the range of 3 to
7 ohm-m. The second layer consisting of weathered charnockite
exhibited resistivity values in the range of 27 to100 ohm-m and
is extending to about 10m depth. The maximum thickness of
weathered as per the imaging results was 12m below ground.From 12m onwards and below the resistivity values indicate a
steep increase in the range of 200 to 400 ohm-m indicating hard
The section of the traverse location that had 12 metres
weathering thickness is favourable location for locating a dug
well. From 12m depth and below the resistivity values increase
steeply indicating very dense bed rock. Drilling of test boreholes
correlated with survey results. 1D resistivity survey conducted
at the locations exhibited similar resistivity values.
The 2D image of the survey conducted at this location is shown
Figure 8 below

6. Conclusions and Recommendations
From the 2D dimensional electrical resistivity it can be concluded
the study is very useful in identification as well as delineating
of shallow permeable zone. The locations that have adequate
permeable zones below the water table are ideal for construction
of open well.
The study conducted at different terrains mainly the Gondwana
(clayey) terrain, the alluvium (permeable sandy terrain) and the
hard rock terrain exhibited contrasting resistivity values thereby
inferring the depth and extent of permeable zones.
In Valarpuram Thandalam areas masked by Gondwana terrain
the surface; layer exhibited high resistivity of 30 ohm-m at the
surface due to presence of laterite or dry loam to 4 m depth and
very low resistivity values the range of 0.1 ohm-m to 3 ohm-m
between 4m to 12m indicating clay deposits.
Towards the east of Valarpuram Thandalam, Alluvium terrain
exhibited moderate resistivity values between 4 to 10m
indicating permeable sand deposits. The survey is useful for
locating shallow dug wells
Puliyarankottai Village, Madurantakam area is masked by
hard rock 2 D imaging has been useful in determining depth to
weathered rock and depth to bed rock. The summary of results
for easy understanding of resistivity characteristics is shown in
Table 2.
Depth below ground level | Gondwana Terrain | Alluvium Terrain | Hard rock terrain |
O to 4m below ground | 30 to 40 ohm-m Laterite/sand | 100 to 200 ohm-m sand | 3 to 7 ohm-m Sandy loam |
4 to 10m below ground | 1 to 3 ohm-m clay | 6 to 40 ohm-m Sand/clayey sand | 27 to 100 ohm-m weathered rock |
10 to 12m below ground | 3 ohm-m clay | 6 to 16 ohm-m Sand clayey sand | 200 to 400 ohm-m hard rock |
Shallow Aquifer Potential and Feasibility of dugwell | Poor Not suitable for dugwell | Good Aquifer Suitable for dugwell | Moderate Aquifer Suitable for Aquifer |
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